Back in February of this year I was assigned as the Technical Lead Architect for Manila of a new project, a SharePoint
MoreI found the picture above over at BizLevity and Mark is asking you to choose the caption from among the following list:
MoreI have previously written that one of the solutions to moving up the corporate ladder is being visible in the organization.
MoreSlackerManager was able to get a full discount code for the pdf version of the “The Wisdom of the Flying Pig” book.
MoreI am pleased to announce that Milo Riano has now redesigned. I felt it was time for a change after keeping the
MoreA lot of people demand promotion thinking they were fine with their performance. They should think about this first: Cows drink water
MoreI was reminded of a scene in Grey’s Anatomy where Chief of Surgeon Richard has applauded McSteamy about his “Now” strategy instead
MorePeople judge, assess and create your corporate persona based on your external actions; your corporate persona defines your career. External actions and
MoreThere is a very good post over at John Chow titled With Better Health Comes More Money Online. It talks about taking
More11 Steps to Becoming Addicted to Running (LifeDev) Hear, See, Do Training (Slacker Manager) Site Build It! $100 Spring Special (Steve Pavlina)